Saturday, February 28, 2009

Getting there...

So I'm at the tail end of killing 4 hours at the Philadelphia airport. I'm a bit bored at this point, but that's okay because boredom will turn into boarding in a matter of minutes. I have been enjoying seeing my last name on half the things in the gift shops in this airport. I may have to get some "Love" paraphernelia on my layover here on the way back. Gotta love the the City of Brotherly Love. This is my first visit to Philadelphia, but I'm not sure that I'm going to count it as actually visiting the city.

Anyway, my airplane is ready and I am ready. Ireland, here I come!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A new mission: Ireland

The Rainier climb is long since over and it was an incredible experience. Now it's on to other adventures! I figured I might as well use this blog for more than just the Rainier climb since it's a good way to share what I'm up to with my family and friends.

So, the new mission is a week long adventure in Ireland. It's been my dream to go there my whole life. I think having Irish roots and the fact that there seems to be so much pride in being Irish has kept me drawn to the country. I love the music, I love Irish stew and I'd be lying if I didn't say I love a good Guinness now and then.

I leave on Saturday morning, so I'll arrive on Sunday morning. Right away I'll get to test out my skills driving a stick shift on the left hand side of the road. I was able to manage one in New Zealand, but it sounds as though the roads are even more narrow and more winding than those roads I drove on in the Southern Hemisphere.

I will fly into Dublin and then head over to the southwest. I'll be spending a majority of my time near Killarney and Galway. Of course there's a mountain I'm hoping to climb while I'm there. If the weather is decent I'll make an attempt on Carrantouhil, which at 1041m (3400 feet), is the tallest mountain in Ireland. I haven't booked most of my hostels/hotels yet for the week, but that is by design. I'll decide the night before where I'll be going the next day for most of the trip.

I've gotten great advice from friends and family and a bunch of Irish geocachers that I am hoping to meet while I'm over there. Without even being there yet, I already know that I'm sad to be leaving the country so soon. But I figure this can be an introductory trip and I will go back soon!